Your Yoga Formula for Freedom Is…


Energize from the Inside Out

The energy to move, create, and live your life to the fullest may feel far away right now, but hope is not lost. Yoga revitalizes the body. It has the power to bring you back from the edge of exhaustion and nourish you inside and out.

It’s no secret that chronic fatigue and low energy affects every area of your life. The most frustrating part is that you don’t know why it’s happening. Yoga gets to the root of the issue and helps to reduce underlying stress, calms the nervous system, stimulates the regeneration of the muscle and tendinous tissues, and increases circulation of oxygenated blood for mental sharpness.

There’s a common misconception that you need to be fit, flexible and full of energy in order to practice yoga. This is a complete myth. Yoga is for everyone, and is scientifically shown to help alleviate chronic fatigue and low energy.


You deserve to feel energised and fully alive.

Yoga can help you… 

  • Let go of the sense of overwhelming exhaustion you’ve been carrying around through stimulating circulation and releasing tension.
  • Regenerate your body and mind without doing further damage— balance, restore, empower, and energize.
  • Calm your nervous system and release tension patterns that exacerbate your exhaustion.


“You’re never too old, never too bad, never too late and never

too sick to start from the scratch once again.”

― Bikram Choudhury

How Yoga Helps to Elevate Your Energy


  • Yogic breathing techniques banish brain fog

A sedentary lifestyle often means, poor circulation, which directly affects your ability to maintain mental clarity. The breathing techniques used in yoga are dead simple yet seriously effective. Deep breathing encourages full oxygen exchange — that is, the beneficial trade of incoming oxygen for outgoing carbon dioxide. Not surprisingly, it can slow the heartbeat and lower or stabilize blood pressure. [2]


  • Calms to the nervous system

Stress is to your energy levels what yogi bear is to picnic baskets. It robs you of energy and vitality. Yoga activates the parasympathetic nervous system, your rest and digest response, allowing stress and anxiety to melt away. A regular yoga practice will also make you more resilient to future stress, giving you the tools you need to better cope with overwhelm long-term.


  • Yoga helps build confidence

Yoga genuinely helps you to feel like you’re doing something productive and good for yourself, which in turn boosts your confidence and makes it easier to add further self-care routines that make your life a whole lot easier. The longer you stick to your practice, the more you’ll see your body change in ways you never thought possible.


  • Helps relieve pain naturally and increases the body’s tolerance for pain

Yoga can literally change your brain (in a good way). When you’re exhausted, aches and pains become all the more annoying. You become extra sensitive which causes anxiety and creates a vicious cycle of chronic exhaustion. Yoga retrains the brain to better cope with pain and fatigue.


  • Improves sleep quality

When you’re experiencing chronic fatigue or burnout, your body craves sleep like a toddler craves chocolate ice cream. However, the quality of your sleep can suffer when you’re not getting much physical activity. When it comes to sleep, quality is more important than quantity. Yoga has been shown to improve sleep quality allowing for a truly restful and refreshing slumber especially when done as part of a pre-bed wind down routine.

The Top 3 Gentle Yoga Poses to Energise and Empower

Boost Your Energy with This Gentle Yoga Sequence tutorial that will show you many adaptations for each of the poses…


Learn about the benefits and contraindications of the 3 Gentle Yoga poses

Kneeling lunge pose


  • Strengthens the quadriceps and gluteus muscles
  • Stretches the psoas and hips
  • Relieves sciatica pain
  • Expands your chest, lungs and shoulders
  • Develops stamina and endurance in your thighs
  • Improves your balance, concentration and core awareness
  • Calms the mind


  • High blood pressure – check with your doctor
  • Knee injuries – you may be ok with modifications
  • neck or spinal injuries – avoid back bending, stay out of pain


Tiger pose


  • Strengthens the core, back, legs glutes and arms 
  • Stretches abdominals, back
  • mobilises the hips
  • Stimulates the abdominal organs, diaphragm, and heart
  • Invigorates and energises, may improve fatigue
  • Relieves mild backache and hip pain
  • Stimulates the digestive system, relieves constipation
  • Relieves menstrual discomfort and sciatica


  • can cause more pain if one is suffering from severe sciatica
  • or in the case of slipped disc -check with your doctor some slipped discs benefit
  • hiatus hernia
  • acute injury at the knees, hips, wrists or shoulders – you may be able to do it with modifications
  • Pregnant women should take complete guidance and support with the practice of this pose

Legs up the wall pose


  • Offers relief from symptoms of arthritis, headaches, high/low blood pressure, and insomnia
  • Eases symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menopause
  • Relieves tired, cramped feet and legs
  • Gently stretches the hamstrings, legs and lower back
  • Relieves lower back pain
  • Calms the mind
  • Eases anxiety and stress


  • Menstruation
  • Pregnancy
  • Glaucoma
  • High blood pressure

Meet Your Teacher… 

Marie Mann, Certified Yoga Teacher and C.H.E.K Practitioner

Hi, I’m Marie and I came to yoga in a roundabout way when I had been unwell with Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS), an inflammatory condition of the spine and joints for several years.

AS leaves many people completely immobilized by fused joints and extreme chronic pain. I was only 30 at the time of my official diagnosis and terrified of losing my mobility at such a young age.

Yoga amongst other things has helped me thrive despite having this condition. It’s the only reason I was able to recover good movement in my in my lower back and with that return to living a normal life.

I run a yoga studio in Castleford, U.K. where I work with people struggling with mobility issues, chronic pain, arthritis, and many other conditions.

People assume that yoga is only for the young, fit, and flexible, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

If a stroppy and resistant person like me who thought yoga is never going to work for my back can find relief with yoga, so can you.

I’ve helped countless students of all ages go from completely immobile and in severe pain to finding freedom to move, find relief from pain that felt like it would never recede, and experience a sense of connection to their bodies that they never knew was possible.

I’d love to help you too.

Welcome to the Simply Doable Yoga community where everyone is welcome and you’ll be able to do a version of every pose.


Your Journey to Relief Starts Now…


I’ll be popping into your inbox with more information and resources to help you make yoga a part of your life. You deserve to feel at home in your body and I’m here to help you do just that.


Terms and Conditions as well the disclaimer apply.

Happy Customers

Tina M.

Tina M.

“I can’t give enough praise to Marie for helping me get my health back on track. I had suffered with a bad back and aching joints for years and more recently a chronic back issue. I tried conventional physio which didn’t help me and the doctors pretty much wrote me off. When I signed up with Marie for my first  Yoga session my back was so bad I could barely make it to the class – but her encouragement to just try and do what I could, was so supportive and non- judgemental that I kept going and within about 6 weeks I couldn’t believe the difference it had made and even friends and family noticed the change.

I have been doing Yoga for 10 months and have also taken up Pilates & Tai Chi – I just love it – and its enabled me to do so much more in everyday life that I struggled with before because of back and joint pain. Not only do I feel stronger and more flexible,  I am pretty much free of the chronic pain I had for almost 2 years.  I couldn’t have imagined when I came to that first class, that Yoga would become such an important part of my life and I just wish I had tried this years ago.

Marie has such a great ability to take into account everyone’s individual needs and she picks up on the smallest things that can make such a big difference. She has taught me to understand and listen to my body and given me the knowledge and confidence to feel in control of my health going forward. I would encourage anyone to come to a class or work with Marie to improve their wellbeing.

Thank you Marie for helping me to change my life for the better.”

Julie J.

Julie J.

Hi, I’ve been going to Marie’s classes for over 2 years, I joined after trying one of her taster sessions and haven’t looked back.
I’m 51, late to motherhood, not very fit with a list of ailments and past injuries, I work full time with a young family and a disabled parent to take care of.

I initially started with the hope of improving my health and gaining some ‘me’ time, Little did I realise just how much help my body and mind were in great need of! I’m not a trendy bendy typical yogi but after only a few months I started to feel the benefits of attending Marie’s classes and quickly realised the more effort and perseverance you put in, the more you gain from it.

Her classes are welcoming and with a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, come as you are and do what you are able to do, Marie is experienced with a wealth of knowledge on all ailments and will guide and help you to find a way, if you are willing to try and to help yourself.
Thanks to Marie and her class, Yoga really has changed my life, not just physically but emotionally and mentally. Because I struggle to attend more than once a week my aim is to home practise every day – not easy to make time for but well worth it when I do. So I signed up for the online practise too.
For me the combination of class and home study works well – I prefer to have them both as I really enjoy attending class.
If I struggle I can email Marie for support or guidance on how to do a pose in a way that works for me personally.
If you’re thinking about it but not sure if it’s for you – come to a taster day or if you’re self conscious about coming to class or find it hard to find the time – try the online practise. We look forward to seeing you on the mat, Namaste, Julie

Nikki A.

Nikki A.

“I am a complete yoga addict now….all thanks to Marie.  Previously I had gone to yoga classes where everyone was very serious and all were super bendy and I felt very uncomfortable being there and thought I was useless at yoga and would never be able to do it. 

Then I discovered Marie’s classes.  She makes you feel welcome and makes you realise yoga is for everyone….it doesn’t matter what size or shape you are and it doesn’t matter how many blocks, straps, cushions, etc you use to assist you in poses.

I have a weird back issue which means I cannot do back bends.  Marie is always very good about offering me alternative poses to stop me hurting myself.  She is very good about finding out about people’s health issues and ensuring they push themselves in a class, but in a way that is not going to hurt them.  I feel I have gained a lot from Marie’s classes, not just physically but also mentally”

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